City of Moose Jaw Moose Jaw is an urban centre with historic charm, a wealth of heritage and culture and a name remembered around the world. It is located 175 km from the U.S. Border nestled in a picturesque valley where the Moose Jaw River and Thunder Creek River meet.
Primary industries include agriculture, manufacturing, service and retail. Main businesses are CP Rail, World Wide Pork, XL Foods, Kalium Chemicals, The Canadian Salt Company, Saskatchewan Minerals, Bombardier Aerospace (Frontec Group), Doepker Industries Ltd. and Saskferco Products which is ranked among the top 20 Saskatchewan businesses.
Moose Jaw is situated on the CP Rail mainline; the largest rail terminal between Winnipeg and Calgary. The Soo Line, also operated by CP Rail, provides Moose Jaw with direct freight access to Minneapolis and Chicago. The city is connected to three major highways providing access to all major North American markets.
Close proximity to 15 Wing, a major NATO pilot training centre, which also is home to the internationally renowned Snowbirds aerobatics team.
Moose Jaw is a thriving, vibrant and progressive community with positive economic indicators. Predictions remain strong for increases in employment, commercial development and tourism. The city is in a positive position for expanded markets and consumers
City Hall Phone Directories
Looking for that elusive contact at City hall? Here are some helpful lists.
Government of Canada Information
Comprehensive list that provides direct links to the primary Web sites of the Government of Canada departments, agencies and Crown corporations, as well as links to major Canadian Political Parties.
Government of Saskatchewan From natural wonders to vibrant arts communities, from local and provincial sports to symphonies and professional theatres, from educational institutions to world-class health care facilities, Saskatchewan provides a quality of life with opportunities as wide open as the sky for people of all ages. Saskatchewan is one of the best places in the world in which to live. Life expectancy, education levels, and air and water quality are all high in Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan offers a special quality of life that supports the individual, the family and the community.
Saskatchewan Liberal party Saskatchewan is at a crossroads, and is ready for change. Our team of community leaders offers positive change that is forward-looking and exciting. We have a plan to build the kind of Saskatchewan we all want and value. A place that offers careers, not just jobs to fulfill our ambitions. We can create those careers through a strategic plan, based on building successful, export-driven industry clusters in every region of our province. Our plan will ensure we build a home for Saskatchewan families. Quality, universal health care. An excellent, publicly-funded education system. Reforming the education portion of the property tax to take the burden off of homeowners and agricultural producers.
Saskatchewan New Democrats Our goal as New Democrats is simple: to make life even better for Saskatchewan families in every region of our province. We live in a great province. We have more people working than ever before. Our quality of life is second to none. We've cut sales tax, business taxes and provincial income taxes. We're expanding investment in health care and education. Our vision of the future is a Saskatchewan where everyone, in every region, can participate and share in the prosperity of the province, and no one is left behind.
Saskatchewan Green Party The Green Party of Saskatchewan has become the only real alternative to the old-style politics in Saskatchewan. The Green Party of Saskatchewan was registered as an official political party in Saskatchewan in 1999 under its first name, The New Green Alliance. An "alliance" of Saskatchewan citizens, deeply concerned about the directions government had been taking with regard to the environment, social justice issues, regressive taxation, neglect of local community needs and the health and education needs of Saskatchewan, committed to creating a new political party.
Saskatchewan Party The Saskatchewan Party is built on the promise of new and revitalized leadership for Saskatchewan from a government that is committed to growing Saskatchewan to create opportunities for our people. Be responsive to the needs of Saskatchewan families and businesses and engaged with Saskatchewan people in finding solutions. The Saskatchewan Party believes in practical, common sense government where all people have an equal opportunity to succeed.