City of Lethbridge Lethbridge offers cosmopolitan amenities, a rich cultural mosaic, prime location, and small town flavour, making it a diverse and dynamic city. The mission of the City of Lethbridge is to serve its residents and visitors, to provide leadership, and to assist the community in building and maintaining a healthy, attractive and economically viable city.
One of the city's most attractive features is the selection and outstanding value of housing choices, including impressive new designs in exclusive neighbourhoods, affordable starter homes and older stately properties. Prices for lots and finished homes are low compared to most cities.
Both newer subdivisions and older mature neighbourhoods offer safe and comfortable surroundings close to all amenities and are ideal for families. There are also maintenance-free developments suitable for those preferring an adults-only environment. Public transit is provided to most residential areas by the City's Transit Department.
City Hall Phone Directories Looking for that elusive contact at City hall? Here is some helpful lists.
Government of Canada Information
Comprehensive list that provides direct links to the primary Web sites of the Government of Canada departments, agencies and Crown corporations, as well as links to major Canadian Political Parties.
Government of Alberta Today, Alberta's economy reflects the diverse nature of its people. Principal industries in Alberta include agriculture and related industries, forestry, telecommunications and oil and gas.
Alberta New Democrats The New Democratic Party is Canada's social democratic party. As social democrats, we believe that all people have the right to a rewarding personal life in a healthy, safe environment. We believe in the right of every person to a job, to a decent income and an equal opportunity to develop his or her human potential to the fullest. Our objective is to work for social justice and ensure that the needs and aspirations of ordinary men and women - in Alberta and across Canada - are effectively represented in the political process.
Alberta Social Credit Party The Alberta Social Credit Party is neither a "right-wing" nor a "left-wing" political party. Social Credit seeks to return government to the people by allowing individuals, not "big business" or "big government," to control decisions which affect them. We believe in the right of the people to benefit from economic policy and the natural resources of Alberta and that the Government of Alberta should have the courage to boldly accept and represent the "provincial rights" of Alberta.
Liberal Party of Allberta A strong organization that champions the cause for an Alberta that puts "people first". Policies that support putting people first. Membership that will live the vision, carry the message, and sustain the organization. Financial support structure that is strong and dependable with capacity to carry the vision.
PC Party of Alberta As Progressive Conservatives we unite in a common vision for Alberta. We desire to lead Alberta into a prosperous future, capable of facing new realities while valuing the richness of our history. We are a Party that pursues new opportunities and initiatives. We are energized by imagination and motivated by optimism, believing that our vision for Alberta will be successfully realized.
The Green Party of Alberta Greens believe in direct participatory democracy by all citizens in formulating and implementing policies and practices at all political levels. Every person has the right to influence and participate in decisions that affect his/her life. These decisions are the political and economic ones in the local community and the areas on which these communities depend, as well as decisions at the regional, national and international levels.