Somebody once said Buying a home, "is the most expensive, most complicated and most intimidating financial transaction most Canadians ever make." They almost had it right. Selling a home is just as bad. CRS has the remedy, by putting you in touch with professional people for your Realtor, Mortgage and other needs, to assist you in the Buying and Selling process. "Easy HouseMatch" is a Service for people Relocating or Moving across Canada.Through our Easy HouseMatch Network we arrange the sale of your current house and also assist you in buying your new home. Fill in the short "Easy HouseMatch" Form and we will be in touch. This is A Realtor Service. Fill in The Realtor Service: This is a Realtor Service and not a private listing service. After you have filled in the "Easy HouseMatch" form you will be contacted by a Realtor in the City where you are selling and also by one from the City where you are buying. .Do not forget that if you are claiming Moving Expenses from Revenue Canada, The Realtor fee for Selling Your House is tax deductible. Fill in The Take the time to research your options and the personal financial ramifications of each option before you sell. The expenses of selling your current house and buying another will gobble a large chunk of your house's equity (that is,the market value of your property less the outstanding mortgage balance). Before you sell your house, weigh the expected benefits of buying a new home against these transaction costs. Be sure to estimate your proceeds of sale and relocation costs before selling. Review the mortgage options for your next purchase,especially if you're trading up to a more costly property. Remember, mortgage lenders and real estate agents can't tell you how much you can afford to borrow; they can only tell you the maximum amount that you're eligible to borrow. To determine the price you can afford to pay for your next home, you must also consider your financial goals and objectives. Try to time the sale so that it closes simultaneously with the purchase of your next home. Unless you're wealthy enough to afford the luxury of owning two properties at the same time, don't close on the purchase of your next home before your current one sells. SHARE THIS PAGE ON: |