City of Winnipeg The City of Winnipeg is located at the junction of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers, almost at the geographic centre of North America. With an ethnically diverse population, Winnipeg is characterized by slow but steady growth. It is the eighth largest city in Canada and dominates the Manitoba economy.
Key industries include: transportation and distribution, aerospace,agribusiness, finance and insurance, health industries and biotechnology, information and communications technology, media, electric power, apparel and furniture manufacturing. Winnipeg is also one of the most culturally diverse cities anywhere. Some 100 languages are represented in the region and Winnipeg is well known for its cultural achievements and flourishing arts scene.
Life in Winnipeg is a rich tapestry of arts, culture, education, neighborhoods, communities and recreational activities in the great outdoors.
Government of Manitoba Manitoba is a unique and vibrant blend of many heritages that we celebrate in a myriad of ethnic festivals and events. As one of the most ethnically diverse provinces in Canada, Manitoba continues to be a destination for new immigrants, who consistently enrich our multicultural fabric.
City Hall Phone Directories Looking for that elusive contact at City hall? Here is some helpful lists.
Government of Canada Information Comprehensive list that provides direct links to the primary Web sites of the Government of Canada departments, agencies and Crown corporations, as well as links to major Canadian Political Parties.
Liberal Party of Manitoba Manitoba Liberals know that the future of this province depends on attracting and retaining young people. Young people want better jobs and more opportunities. They need a government that looks to their future, and the future of this province.To create a climate of opportunity foryoung people, we will cut provincial income tax rates, beginning with young people, so Manitobans pay no more than the average of BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario.
NDP of Manitoba Manitoba is poised to seize the opportunities of a new millennium. We are fortunate to live in a province with great natural beauty, a strong economy, a vibrant culture and a skilled and dedicated workforce. Today we can look ahead with confidence, knowing that the government and people of Manitoba are working together to build an even better future for our young people. We know that this century will be Manitoba's century. Our purpose as a movement is to foster social change toward a more cooperative society. Our purpose as a political party is to develop a public mandate for that social change through giving individuals greater control in the economy, their workplace, and their community.
PC Party of Manitoba A political party is a fellowship of individuals who possess similar political principles and values. Individuals within a party also share common views on the role and purpose of Government in society and our daily lives. As Manitoba PCs, we believe in encouraging and enabling individual initiative, growth and achievement, while caring for the wellbeing of Manitobans and the environment in which we live; Protecting individual rights and freedoms and being fiscally responsible.
The Green Party of Manitoba The Manitoba Greens wear two hats. We are the Manitoba chapter of the Green Party of Canada, a federally registered political party. As the Green Party of Manitoba, we are also a provincially registered political party. The Green Party of Canada was established in 1983. In 1996, a group of Manitobans formed a provincial unit of the Green Party of Canada (officially "The Green Party of Canada in Manitoba"). We intend to run several candidates in the next federal general election.
