Medical Care Plan The Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Care Plan (MCP) was introduced on April 1, 1969. It is a comprehensive plan of medical care insurance designed to cover the cost of physician services for bona fide residents of the province.
Dental Health Plan The Newfoundland and Labrador Dental Health Plan comprises a children's dental component and a social assistance component. The children's dental program coversdental services for all children, up to and including age twelve.
Find a Dentist ! Oral health care is a personalized service that requires a good relationship between the dentist and the patient. Here are some ways to find a dentist in your area.
Find a Doctor ! Health care is a personalized service that requires a good relationship between the doctor and the patient. Here are some ways to find a doctor in your area.
Prescription Drug Program Provides assistance in the purchase of pharmaceuticals, and some related medical supplies to residents who qualify for benefit coverage. The focus of the program is that residents of the province should not be denied access to health care because of financial need.
Health & Community Services The actual delivery of programs and services including Health Promotion, Disease Prevention, Child, Youth and Family Services and Community Corrections, Family and Rehabilitative Services, Addictions, Mental Health and Continuing Care are provided by community health boards.
Blue Cross of Atlantic Canada Atlantic Blue Cross Care is a leading provider of personal health benefits coverage. With more than 1,400 employees in all areas of our business, we are committed to providing the strength you need and the care you deserve.
Health Care Corporation of St. John's We are the largest health care organization in Newfoundland and Labrador and one of the province's largest employers. The organziation provides health care services to the St. John's region, with a local population of about 200,000. It is also the tertiary, or high-level, center for the entire province.
St. John's Nursing Home Board The St. John's Nursing Home Board (SJNHB) was created to enhance the quality of resident care while achieving efficiencies within the healthcare system of St. John's.
St.John's Health & Community Services Is committed to advocacy, partnership and the provision of respectful and responsive services to promote the health and well being of people and their communities within our region.
Bay St. George Family Dentistry Pursue all means of providing a more comfortable and relaxing dental experience for our patients (for example, the use of electronic anesthetic, nitrous oxide sedation, etc).
Physicians wanting to work in Newfoundland Physician Recruitment for Newfoundland and Labrador.
Waterford Foundation Support programs and services for people who use the Waterford Hospital and other psychiatric services in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Do you or someone you know have a disability ? Here is a collection of links to helpful and informative web sites.
Health Associations in Canada
Extensive list of Health Related Associations.
Health Canada
Canada Health Act is to ensure that all eligible residents of Canada have reasonable access to medically necessary insured services on a prepaid basis, without direct charges at the point of service.
Health Care in Canada
Health Care is availabe to all Canadians as established by the Federal Government's Canada Health Act. Health Care Insurance plans have basic similarities across the country including coverage of medically necessary hospital services and the services of a physician, however, any further coverage varies from province to province based on additional provincial funding.