
Central Alberta Diversity Association We value peace, harmony, equity and togetherness in the circle of humanity and will take positive messages deep into the hearts of our communities.
Central Alberta Immigration & Settlement Service To support the efforts of immigrants and refugees to overcome barriers and participate fully in Canadian life as valued members of the Central Alberta community by providing coordinated services and by encouraging a welcoming environment.
Alberta Human Rights Commission All Albertans should share in an awareness and appreciation of the diverse racial and cultural composition of society and that the richness of life in Alberta is enhanced by sharing that diversity.
Francalta FrancAlta est le réseau Internet francophone officiel de l'Alberta. Il a vu le jour en 1995 grâce à l'initiative de l'Association canadienne-française de l'Alberta.
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Resources for New Immigrants Helpful and informative links for newcomers to Canada.
Asian Canadian Resources Asian Canadian Communities. Extensive list of resources.
Chinese Canadian National Council To promote the rights of all individuals, in particular, those of Chinese Canadians and to encourage their full and equal participation in Canadian society.
National Council on Canada-Arab Relations (NCCAR) Promoting greater recognition of the social, economic, political and cultural contribution of Arab-Canadians to Canada Making information related to the Arab world available to individuals, organizations, educational institutions, libraries, media and Canadian provincial and federal governments.
The National Congress of Italian Canadians The Congress is the voice of all Italian Canadians. the Congress is seeking to give the Italian Canadian community an effective national voice in all economic, social, and political issues affecting them.
Ukrainian Canadian Congress The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) represents the Ukrainian Canadian community before the people and Government of Canada, promotes linkages with Ukraine and identifies and addresses the needs of the Ukrainian community in Canada.
Canadian Ethnocultural Council (CEC) The CEC's objectives are to ensure the preservation, enhancement and sharing of the cultural heritage of Canadians, the removal of barriers that prevent some Canadians from participating fully and equally in society, the elimination of racism and the preservation of a united Canada.
Canadian Heritage Canadian Heritage is responsible for national policies and programs that promote Canadian content, foster cultural participation, active citizenship and participation in Canada's civic life, and strengthen connections among Canadians.
Cultural Diversity: A Canadian Perspective Canada's experience with diversity distinguishes it from most other countries. Its 32 million inhabitants reflect a cultural, ethnic and linguistic makeup found nowhere else on earth.
