Welcome to CRS Quinte Region/Belleville/Trenton, the Online Guide for people Relocating or Moving to Quinte Region/Belleville,Trenton, organized by Categories of interest from Accountants to Weather. You don't have to browse the Web; we have done it for you.
The Quinte region is located on Lake Ontario's Bay of Quinte, stretching north up the
Trent River Valley. The area consists of many towns, villages and cities, and has a
population of over 135,000.The region is also proud of its state-of-the-art telecommunications
infrastructure and expertise.
The Quinte region has excellent recreational opportunities. Fishing and boating are at a premium. The Murray Canal provides boaters with access from scenic Weller's Bay, on Lake Ontario, to the tranquil water of the Bay of Quinte.
Belleville is at the center of the Quinte area. Shopping, dining
experiences, theatre, fishing and wind surfing.
The famous Waterfront Festival & Folklorama gives people an excuse to visit Belleville in July, when the usually tranquil Bay of Quinte shoreline comes alive with music, water-ski shows, hundreds of boats and ethnic delights from food to dance.
Belleville is easy to access by Hwy 401, located approximately
an hour and a half east of Toronto or 40 minutes west from Kingston.
Trenton represents the get-a-way of all vacation destinations. Water water everywhere and lots of things to do. Trenton is interesting, exciting, fun and relaxing, a great place live.
Quinte Region has a strategic location on Highway 401, and is only 160 km east of Toronto, and 360 km west of Montreal. The Canadian Pacific Railway and Canadian National Railway also serve the community.
Quinte Region's economy is well balanced given a full range of manufacturing industries, and significant commercial development, and 8 Wing /CFB Trenton is a stabilizing factor in the region's economy.
Visitors and residents agree that the quality of life in the Quinte Region is outstanding.
