Quebec Health Care Serving more than 7.3 million Quebecers, the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec plays a vital role in Québec's healthcare system.
Quebec Health Insurance You may apply for a Health Insurance Card. If you are eligible, the Régie will send you a personalized card. Because your Health Insurance Card gives you access to insured healthcare services, you must present it whenever you receive such services.
Blue Cross Plans, Quebec Québec Blue Cross, was the very first insurer to provide the Québec population with a hospitalization insurance program. Since then, our focus has been the well-being of our clients and providing insurance programs and services that meet the timely demands of contemporary society
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux The mission of the MSSS is to maintain, improve and restore the health and welfare of Québec residents by making available to them an entire range of integrated, high-quality health and social services, and thus contribute to the social and economic development of Québec.
Centre Médical Berger/Berger Medical Centre Medical centre for family medicine.
Éduc'alcool - info on alcohol Éduc'alcool is an independent, not-for-profit organization. They have instituted a number of information, education and prevention programs designed to help young people and adults make responsible decisions about drinking. Éduc'alcool's commitment is accurately reflected in its slogan: "Moderation is always in good taste."
Find a Dentist ! Oral health care is a personalized service that requires a good relationship between the dentist and the patient. Here are some ways to find a dentist in your area.
Find a Doctor ! Health care is a personalized service that requires a good relationship between the doctor and the patient. Here are some ways to find a doctor in your area.
Hema-Quebec Héma-Québec is linked to the Canadian system through partnership agreements. Protocols on product exchanges is established with Canadian Blood Services (CBS), which will be in charge of the blood management system for the rest of Canada. A computer link is established between the donor banks of these two agencies.
Holland Centre, Health and Social Services in English
Holland Centre promotes the well-being of the English-speaking population of the Greater Quebec City region. This non-profit centre offers a variety of health and social services for all ages and can help you access services at places outside the centre when required.
Jacques St-Onge, Psychologue L'approche systémique se distingue des autres approches par sa façon de comprendre les relations humaines. En effet, la personne n'est pas le seul élément analysé dans la démarche. Le psychologue accorde aussi une importance aux différents systèmes dont elle fait partie (familial, professionnel, social, etc.).
Association des médecins de langue française du Canada Le Bureau du Collège des médecins du Québec, lors de sa réunion du 15 octobre 1999, a entériné la recommandation du comité d'admission à l'exercice d'accorder au Bureau d'éducation médicale continue de l'Association des médecins de langue française du Canada un agrément de 5 ans. La prochaine visite d'agrément de l'Association aura lieu en 2004.
Do you or someone you know have a disability ? Here is a collection of links to helpful and informative web sites.
Health Associations in Canada
Extensive list of Health Related Associations.
Health Canada
Canada Health Act is to ensure that all eligible residents of Canada have reasonable access to medically necessary insured services on a prepaid basis, without direct charges at the point of service.
Health Care in Canada
Health Care is availabe to all Canadians as established by the Federal Government's Canada Health Act. Health Care Insurance plans have basic similarities across the country including coverage of medically necessary hospital services and the services of a physician, however, any further coverage varies from province to province based on additional provincial funding.