la Ville de Québec,Quebec City Québec City is a modern and dynamic city. At the crossroads between Europe and North America, it is awake to the political and economic realities of the day. A thriving high tech center, a skilled and stable workforce, outstanding quality of life, and an outward-looking approach-such is the business environment of Québec City.
Québec City offers exceptional living conditions. The warmth of its inhabitants, the safety of its streets, the wide range of tourist attractions found there, the diversity of educational programs available, and the wide variety of services offered to companies make this an excellent city for business. Québec City is also a wonderful place to live, study, work, and relax.
It's easy to fall in love with Québec City. Each season has its special color and charm and offers a compelling backdrop for the city's rich cultural life. Québec City's unbeatable quality of life together with the natural openness of Quebecers make the city a haven of good living for people of all horizons.
City Hall Phone Directories Looking for that elusive contact at City hall? Here are some helpful lists.
Government of Canada Information Comprehensive list that provides direct links to the primary Web sites of the Government of Canada departments, agencies and Crown corporations, as well as links to major Canadian Political Parties.
The Québec Government Québec's more than 7 million inhabitants make up a mainly French-speaking society. Many of the roughly 6 million French-speakers are descended from colonists who came from France in the 17th and 18th centuries. Today, Quebecers are meeting the challenge of living in French and maintaining a French-speaking society in North America, which is home to 250 million English-speakers.
Action Démocratique du Québec (ADQ) To break the taboos, to see the future in a responsible way, to place our hopes on talent and initiative : that is our proposition to make of Quebec, our land, the place where everybody would like to live and prosper. An ADQ government will allocate half of all development reserve to priorities that immediately help the well-being of citizens.
Conservative Party of Canada The Conservative Party of Canada is a vibrant national organization with strong grassroots´ support from coast-to-coast-to-coast. The party is formally allied with provincial Progressive Conservative parties and is a member of the International Democrat Union, an international grouping of centre-right parties.
Green Party of Canada The Green Party of Canada, supports green economics, progressive social planning and responsible and accountable governance.
Liberal Party of Quebec We have formed the first government elected by Quebecers in the 21st century. We prepared ourselves to take the helm of Québec with the intent of ushering in a new era of development and prosperity. The essence of our mission is thus to build a bridge between two eras: the birth of modern Québec and the advent of a Québec that can shine among the best in the age of globalization.
Parti Québécois Le Parti Québécois est une formation politique dont la principale raison d'être est de réaliser, démocratiquement, la souveraineté du Québec.
