The Durham District School Board Durham District School Board elected trustees determine and approve all policies to give direction to board staff. Each policy has an accompanying set of regulations developed by staff and approved by the board. Regulations set out the parameters and detail of board policies
The Durham District Catholic School Board The Durham Catholic District School Board, as followers of Jesus, is a Catholic learning community committed to educating students to contribute their God-given talents in service to others.
Ministry of Education & Training The Ministry of Education clicksisters the system of publicly funded elementary and secondary school education in Ontario, in accordance with the directions set by the provincial government.
Class-Size Tracker The government is implementing a real cap of 20 students in Junior Kindergarten to Grade 3 by the 2007-08 school year. This Class-Size Tracker helps you see the progress being made to reduce class sizes across Ontario.
Student Support Branch Loans, grants. bursaries, and scholarships may be available to students through OSAP.
Career Colleges in the Durham Region The Durham Region Local Training Board was incorporated in 1997 as one of twenty five Local Boards in Ontario.
Durham Business & Computer College Hands-on learning curriculum is constantly updated to keep pace with the rapidly changing business and technological developments.
Durham College Durham College has a commitment to provide job-focused programs, accomplished professors, quality-driven innovation and superior accountability.
Print School Checklist  A handy list when researching new schools.
Private Schools We have made it easy for you to find Private Schools & Colleges for your children.
Skills Training Centre - Whitby Campus If you would like training that is tailored to your specific needs, then you need look no further than the Skills Training Centre.
University of Ontario Institute of Technology The University of Ontario Institute of Technology is Ontario's fastest-growing university. It is the province's only laptop-based university. Every student uses a current model IBM laptop to access course materials, conduct research, make presentations and communicate with faculty.
Ontario Universities We have made it easy for you to find information about Ontario Universities.
Conference of Independent Schools The Conference of Independent Schools of Ontario (CIS), founded in 1984, provides a collegial forum to promote excellence in education among its 43 member schools.
Homeschool Ontario
A provincial homeschooling support group providing support to homeschooling families and information on home-based education to our members and the public at large.
Independent Schools Network Independent Schools Canada is a public information service sponsored by Canadian Hallmarks Institute (CHI) and several provincial organizations of independent schools in Canada.
Programme for International Student Assessment PISA is a project of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) designed to provide policy-oriented international indicators of the skills and knowledge of 15-year-old students. Three literacy domains are being assessed in PISA: Reading, Mathematics, and Science.
School Achievement Indicators Program SAIP is a cyclical program of pan-Canadian assessments of student achievement in mathematics, reading and writing, and science that has been conducted by the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada since 1993.