RE/MAX Realtron Realty Utilizing their over 60 years of Real Estate experience, Alex and Richard have developed many unique marketing, educational and support systems, which when combined with the Re/Max name and services have ensured the success of their agents witnessed by the fact that Re/max Realtron agents are amongst the highest earners in the Real Estate industry.
Durham Region Real Estate Board The Durham Region Real Estate Board (DRREB) was formed in 1954 by W. Paul Ristow, who, along with a group of brokers, met out of a common interest to address the growing need for establishing standards of real estate practice in the area.
"Easy Mortgage" The first step in
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"Easy Realtor" The first step in finding you a Real Estate Professional is to let us know a few things about your needs. Fill in the "Easy Realtor" form and a Realtor will be in touch with you very soon.
Appraisal of your Property An appraisal is a formal, impartial estimate or opinion of value, usually written, of an adequately described property, as of a specific date, and supported by the presentation and analysis of relevant data.
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) is home to Canadians. In everything we do, we help Canadians live in safe, secure homes. As the Government of Canada's national housing agency, we play a major role in Canada's housing industry.
Canadian Cohousing Cohousing Neighbourhoods... Some people call them a return to the best of small-town communities. Others say they are like a traditional village or the close-knit neighbourhood where they grew up, while futurists call them an altogether new response to social, economic and environmental challenges of the 21st century.
Claiming your Moving Expenses Information from Revenue Canada about claiming your moving expenses.
Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada A housing co-operative is more than just a place to live. It is a legal association formed for the purpose of providing homes to its members on a continuing basis.
The Plan Collection Offers house plans and home designs from the finest designers and architects. Browse through thousands of floor plans of all architectural styles.