Town of Markham We are a blend of four communities - Markham Village, Unionville, Milliken and Thornhill and are located just north of Toronto. We are a growing community with new housing developments and businesses, quality schools, parks and recreational areas. As such we are a mixture of small town, with some farms in the area, and large town with corporate head offices such as IBM and American Express.
Region of York The Regional Municipality of York is made up of a confederation of nine municipalities and provides services to over 850,000 residents, 25,000 businesses and 395, 000 employees. York Region has a two-tier government structure, with services provided by the Region and local area municipal governments. The Region provides services for its residents and businesses that include transportation services, transit, water, wastewater, emergency services, policing, human services and growth management.
City Hall Phone Directories Looking for that elusive contact at City hall? Here is some helpful lists.
Government of Canada Information Comprehensive list that provides direct links to the primary Web sites of the Government of Canada departments, agencies and Crown corporations, as well as links to major Canadian Political Parties.
Government of Ontario The Ontario government is made up of ministries, agencies, and other offices. Each one takes care of different programs and services.
Ontario Legislative Assembly Offices occupy much of the Legislative Building, which also includes a formal suite of rooms used by the Lieutenant Governor. At the heart of the building is the Legislative Chamber - also known as the House. Here, when the Legislature is meeting, MPPs make the decisions that shape Ontario's future.
Liberal Party of Ontario The Ontario Liberal Party is made up of thousands of members who volunteer their time and energy on issues of public importance to the people of Ontario.
NDP of Ontario
Since 1962 when the Party was founded by the CCF and Labour, the NDP's policies and platforms have been guided by the principles of social democracy: a fair distribution of wealth amongst all citizens; democracy that enables people to exercise control over the decisions that affect their lives; solidarity which encourages people to find cooperative solutions to problems; and sustainability of the world we live in.
The Green Party of Ontario It's an incredibly rewarding and humbling experience to have this province's most forward-thinking and passionate people put their trust in you to lead their political efforts. And make no mistake, that's exactly what the Green Party of Ontario represents.
The Ontario PC Party Since confederation, Conservatives have held power in Ontario longer than any other political party. More than geography, family ties, population or economic opportunities, the Conservative approach to politics and society has dominated the history of our province.