Central Okanagan Outdoors Club The Central Okanagan Outdoors Club is an organization for people who want to enjoy outdoor pursuits with others. Hiking, biking, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing are regularly scheduled events.
Central Okanagan Sailing Association A blue paint job, thousands of bricks, a much larger dock, motorboat lifts, dozens more LTS boats, new motor boats, an elevator lift, a giant flag pole, and hundreds of other changes that insured that our sailing club will remain one of the best dinghy clubs in North America.
Kelowna and District Genealogical Society Informal classes are available during regular meetings and on some library nights to those individuals seeking to begin searching their family roots. Speakers during the monthly meetings provide further information on diverse genealogical topics.
Kelowna Italian Club The Kelowna Canadian-Italian Club was founded on March 22, 1966 by a small group of people of Italian descent. It has grown presently to a membership of approximately 300 families.
Kelowna Kiwanis Music Festival
Kelowna Snowmobile Club Deep snow, smooth trails, alpine vistas and endless meadows. That’s what you will experience when you snowmobile in the Kelowna area. The Graystokes Park snowmobile trails are groomed throughout the winter season with over 150 kilometers of marked loop trails and four cabins.
Kelowna SPCA The Kelowna BC SPCA Branch is calling on individuals to help increase our capacity to aid orphaned and abandoned animals in our community.
Okanagan Antique & Classic Boat Society Wooden boats are not just about flashy boat shows, money and rare expensive boats, it's about the preservation of these boats of all types and those who see the value in preserving a wooden boat for the love of it. We must perpetuate the preservation and fascination our generation has with these wonderful old boats so they may be enjoyed by the many generations to come.
Okanagan Dog Owners Association Work with municipalities and the Regional District to provide greater dog access to parks and promote responsible dog ownership.
Okanagan Wine Festival Society As a forerunner to the fully integrated Wine Tourism business, a group of wineries and tourism operators saw the opportunity 25 years ago to develop a tourism event around the young wineries in existence at the time.
The Alpine Club of Canada, Okanagan The Okanagan Section was created in 1996 to provide a meeting ground for Okanagan residents interested in outdoor recreation in a mountain setting. With access to the Skaha Bluffs, the Cascades, the Coast Range, the Cariboos, the Monashees, the Valhallas, and the Selkirks, the Okanagan provides opportunities for a wide variety of activities.
The Orchard City Amateur Radio Club Our Club supports with it's club membership dues many repeaters in the Kelowna area and it's club station, we are supported by we also supply support for the City of Kelowna and CORD.
