Team Fredericton Enterprise Fredericton is a community economic development agency designed to create prosperity in our communities.
Agricultural Alliance of New Brunswick The Agricultural Alliance of New Brunswick is led and run by farmers.Who better to speak out on issues affecting the agriculture industry?
CUPE New Brunswick With around 30,000 members across the province, CUPE represents workers in health care, education, municipalities, universities, social services, transportation and nursing homes.
Human Resources Association of New Brunswick The association's mandate includes attaining recognition as a resource on employment issues, as well as promoting and gaining acceptance of the Human Resources field for the distinct body of knowledge it provides in business.
NB Association of Optometrists The NBAO is the professional association that represents Doctors of Optometry in New Brunswick. This website offers eyecare & eyewear information for patients, as well as providing an online resource for Doctors of Optometry and other health care providers.
Engineers & Geoscientists New Brunswick Engineers & Geoscientists New Brunswick was incorporated in 1920 and is governed by the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act 1999.
NB Construction Association To foster and advance the interests of those who are engaged in, or who are directly or indirectly connected with the construction industry in the Province of New Brunswick.
NB Nurses Association The Nurses Association of New Brunswick (NANB) is the professional association and regulatory body for nurses in the province. Founded in 1916, the NANB is the largest group of health professionals in the province with 8700 members. NANB is the official voice of nursing in the province, speaking out on health care issues on behalf of nurses and the public.
New Brunswick Home Builders Association Canadian Home Builders’ Association New Brunswick (CHBA-NB). CHBA-NB is a trade organization which strives for professionalism and prides itself as being the voice of the residential construction industry both here at home in New Brunswick, and across the Country.
New Brunswick Teachers Association The Power of Learning.
Canadian Engineering Network The Canadian Engineering Network provides a platform that allows interaction between members of the engineering, architectural, construction, and manufacturing communities.
Canadian Environmental Auditing Association Its mission is to encourage the development and discipline of environmental auditing and the improvement of environmental management of public and private organizations.
The Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute To advance the art, science, engineering, and applications of aeronautics and space in Canada
Canadian Auto Workers Union The CAW is the largest private sector
union in Canada.
Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists The primary goal of the Society is to promote and further the study of petroleum geology and its related sciences.
Canadian Union of Public Employees With more than half a million members across Canada, CUPE represents workers in health care, education, municipalities, libraries, universities, social services, public utilities, transportation, emergency services and airlines.
Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers SMPTE has a long history of service to the motion imaging community through standards activity, education, promotion of engineering, scientific activity and communications.
The Canadian Society of Environmental Biologists The Canadian Society of Environmental Biologists is a non-profit registered society, whose primary focus is to further the conservation and prudent management of Canada's natural resources based on sound ecological principles.