CDI College, Edmonton City Centre CDI College is one of the leading post-secondary career-training colleges in Business, Technology and Healthcare in Canada. They have 3 branches in Edmonton.
CDI College, Edmonton North CDI College is one of the leading post-secondary career-training colleges in Business, Technology and Healthcare in Canada. They have 3 branches in Edmonton.
Reeves College Reeves College has provided market-driven career training programs in
Alberta since 1961. They offer a comprehensive learning experience that
opens up a world of opportunities for their graduates. The diverse
curriculum and consistently high graduate employment rate have established
the college’s reputation as a leading private career trainer.
Edmonton Public Schools
Aim to meet the needs of every child in their district. In addition to regular quality programs, they offer special interest programs for students interested in the arts, technology or languages, international programs, opportunities for online learning, and programs of need for those students who have difficulties in learning.
Edmonton Catholic Schools Edmonton Catholic Schools meets the academic needs of students precisely because they integrate faith, life and culture. They live their faith throughout the entire school day and teach their faith in all subjects.
North Central Francophone School Board Le Conseil scolaire offre à tout enfant sous sa juridiction une éducation de qualité dans un climat qui valorise son sens d'appartenance à sa communauté et à la société canadienne et mondiale.
Quick Guide to Superb Results  Informative Publication about Edmonton Public Schools
Concordia University College Concordia's degree programs follow the best liberal arts tradition of extensive inquiry across a broad range of subjects. The courses are demanding, but students who graduate leave with real knowledge, clear thinking skills, strong communication skills and lots of practice at hard work - in other words, the ingredients to success.
Grant Mcewan University Grant MacEwan University is a vibrant, innovative educational institution focused on student learning. MacEwan fosters student success and student contributions within local, national and international communities.
NAIT Northern Alberta Institute of Technology NAIT confers certificates, diplomas, and applied degrees. The Institute offers over 190 programs including 32 apprenticeship offerings. Over 1,200 continuing education courses are also available
NorQuest College Work experience is an important element in our courses and programs. NorQuest College has developed partnerships with business and industry that enable us to take learning directly to the workplace through training and distance education.
Print School Checklist  A handy list when researching new schools.
Private Schools We have made it easy for you to find Private Schools & Colleges for your children.
Taylor University College and Seminary Taylor University College has designed programs of study that have as their foundation a commitment to biblical and theological studies, spiritual formation, and the integration of faith and learning from a thoroughly Christian world view.
University of Alberta The University of Alberta serves nearly 34,000 students in more than 200 undergraduate programs and 170 graduate programs.
Victoria School, Performing and Visual Arts Victoria School is a friendly and safe environment that provides a challenging academic program along with an enriched arts atmosphere.
Alberta Achievement Tests Provincial achievement tests are one tool parents, teachers, school authorities and government can use to assess student performance.
Alberta Learning Information
Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training
Alberta Human Resources Alberta Human Resources and Employment, helping people to be their best at learning and work.
Athabasca University Athabasca University is an open university wholly dedicated to online and distance education.
Association of Canadian Community Colleges The Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) is the national, voluntary membership organization created in 1972 to represent colleges and institutes to government, business and industry, both in Canada and internationally.
Canada Culinary Schools Listings by The International Guild of Hospitality & Restaurant Managers.
Canadian College of Performing Arts Is a non-profit society and a registered charitable organization which has been established to promote higher education and to support young people who wish to establish careers and contribute to Canadian society.
Independent Schools Network Independent Schools Canada is a public information service sponsored by Canadian Hallmarks Institute (CHI) and several provincial organizations of independent schools in Canada.
Journalism Schools Education and Research Links to Journalism organizations
Programme for International Student Assessment PISA is a project of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) designed to provide policy-oriented international indicators of the skills and knowledge of 15-year-old students. Three literacy domains are being assessed in PISA: Reading, Mathematics, and Science.
School Achievement Indicators Program SAIP is a cyclical program of pan-Canadian assessments of student achievement in mathematics, reading and writing, and science that has been conducted by the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada since 1993.