Alberta Baton Twirling Association The Sport Governing Body for Baton Twirling in the Province of Alberta. ABTA is dedicated to the growth and development of Baton Twirling and its athletes.
Alpine Club of Canada, Edmonton Our winter activities include weekend trips for single-day ski tours, overnight ski mountaineering (using ACC huts or camping), and ice climbing. We also operate at least one week-long ski mountaineering camp each season.
Corvette Clubs, Western Region A non-profit organization staffed by volunteers from the member clubs. There are 10 member clubs who host events for Corvette enthusiasts at many locations throughout the summer.
Economics Society of Northern Alberta ESNA is a non-profit organization of economists and other individuals. ESNA seeks to promote knowledge on subjects related to applied economics with regular luncheon meetings featuring leading experts in their field.
Edmonton Balloon Club The Edmonton Balloon Club, invites you to share the experience of hot air ballooning! Go for a flight, be part of the team, learn how to fly!
Edmonton Bicycle Commuters' Society The Edmonton Bicycle Commuters' Society (EBC) has been a leader in the Edmonton and area environmental and cycling community since August 1980.
Edmonton Black Gold Beemers The Black Gold Beemers was founded in May 1984 for the purpose of promoting the enjoyment and use of BMW motorcycles and for promoting opportunities for friendly social activities
Edmonton Cat Fanciers Club The Edmonton Cat Fanciers Club was registered with the Province of Alberta on April 6, 1962, as a not-for-profit Society.
Edmonton Flying Club The Edmonton Flying Club is a member-owned organization which has a long and proven record in flight training. Our origin dates back to August 2, 1927 when a few aviation enthusiasts came together and created a flying club first known as Edmonton and Northern Alberta Aero Club.
Edmonton Kennel Club Our club holds meetings on the last Monday of each month. These meetings usually have an educational portion, which may feature a speaker or film.
Edmonton Kyokushin Karate Club The Edmonton Kyokushin Karate Club has been operating in Edmonton since 1980. Several members of our club have won titles in the Canadian and
International Karate Tournaments.
Edmonton Model Railroad Association The Edmonton Model Railroad Association is a non-profit society dedicated to providing its members with the opportunity to build and display a large model railroad.
Edmonton Numismatic Society We welcome visitors to our monthly meetings which are generally held at the Provincial Museum in Edmonton, Alberta, on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
Edmonton Thunderbird Club If you would like to meet people sharing the love for thunderbirds, cruising or searching for cars and parts information, consider this as our invitation for you to join our club.
Inner City Youth Development Association The mission of the Inner City Youth Development Association is to provide inner city youth with programs that promote and facilitate positive behavior, creative expression, and cooperative working skills.
Mill Woods Soccer Association Indoor Soccer continues to grow in popularity primarily due to the pure fun that our children enjoy, the athletic skills that our players develop and the fact that it remains one of the most affordable team sports available!
Minor Roller Hockey Association Edmonton Inline operates as a recreational league. We do not have scheduled practices but do have practice opportunities for those teams who wish.
Northern Alberta Female Hockey Association To promote and encourage the formation of female amateur hockey clubs in Northern Alberta.
Smart Education Society The Society is taking innovative steps towards creating an accessible, responsive and cost-effective public education system.
The Northern Alberta Radio Club
The Northern Alberta Radio Club serves Edmonton, Alberta and area.