Reeves College Reeves College has provided market-driven career training programs in
Alberta since 1961. They offer a comprehensive learning experience that
opens up a world of opportunities for their graduates. The diverse
curriculum and consistently high graduate employment rate have established
the college’s reputation as a leading private career trainer.
CDI Colleges Across Canada CDI has locations across Canada in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec.
Calgary Board of Education
We provide quality learning opportunities and options. Our learners take ownership by discovering and developing their potential, passions and gifts. They take their place as lifelong learners and make a significant contribution within a complex, changing world.
Calgary Catholic School District The Calgary Catholic School District is the largest Catholic school district in Alberta, serving 44,000 students in Calgary, Airdrie, Cochrane, Chestermere and the Municipal District of Rocky View. This learning organization educates and empowers students from kindergarten to Grade 12 to reach their full potential, meet life's challenges, serve their community, and journey in faith.
Alberta Learning Information Alberta's leading on-line source for career, learning and employment information.
Alberta College of Art & Design ACAD is committed to a solid studio-based experience for students in fine art, design and new media - an experience balanced with relevant, complementary liberal studies and practical theory.
Beacon Literacy, Reading Programs From K to grade 3 you learn to read, from grade 4 for the rest of your life, you read to learn. What if you miss the window ...? Calgary’s #1 reading tutor guarantees 1 grade level increase after 20 hours of instruction; our average increase is 2.7 grade levels. Call to book your free, no obligation reading assessment
Bow Valley College The courses and programs at Bow Valley College can help you get on the fast track to a new career, upgrade your education at the basic or high school level, learn about computers, improve your English language skills or develop your professional skills.
Conseil scolaire catholique et francophone du Sud de l'Alberta L'Autorité régionale catholique et francophone du Sud de l'Alberta se donne comme mission de travailler en partenariat avec le personnel de l'école, le foyer, l'église et la communauté afin de promouvoir le développement d'élèves responsables et respectueux.
Mount Royal College Whether you take a degree, diploma, certificate or university transfer program, Mount Royal will prepare you for a career, not just a job.
Print School Checklist  A handy list when researching new schools.
Private Schools We have made it easy for you to find Private Schools & Colleges for your children.
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology SAIT is known world-wide for its quality technical education and hands-on training. They have over 2,300 continuing education courses. With more than 70 applied degree, diploma and certificate programs, they provide education and first class training.
University of Calgary As one of Canada's top seven research universities, innovation, discovery and learning are at the heart of what they do. Their relentless pursuit of quality in teaching and research programs is guided by their mission to contribute to the well being of the people of Alberta, Canada and the world.
Alberta Achievement Tests Provincial achievement tests are one tool parents, teachers, school authorities and government can use to assess student performance.
Advanced Education Information Advanced Education will be more affordable for students. A new tuition fee policy that will limit annual tuition increases to inflation starting in fall 2007, saving the average two-year diploma student $1,600 and the average four-year undergraduate student more than $3,800 during the course of program.
Athabasca University Athabasca University is an open university wholly dedicated to online and distance education.
Journalism Schools Education and Research Links to Journalism organizations supports lifelong learning by providing quality online resources to the Kindergarten to Grade 12 (K-12) community in Alberta. Students, teachers, and parents can use the site to find multimedia learning resources that are correlated to the Alberta programs of study.
Programme for International Student Assessment PISA is a project of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) designed to provide policy-oriented international indicators of the skills and knowledge of 15-year-old students. Three literacy domains are being assessed in PISA: Reading, Mathematics, and Science
School Achievement Indicators Program SAIP is a cyclical program of pan-Canadian assessments of student achievement in mathematics, reading and writing, and science that has been conducted by the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada since 1993.