Quebec Health Care Serving more than 7.3 million Quebecers, the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec plays a vital role in Québec's healthcare system.
Quebec Health Insurance You may apply for a Health Insurance Card. If you are eligible, the Régie will send you a personalized card. Because your Health Insurance Card gives you access to insured healthcare services, you must present it whenever you receive such services.
Blue Cross Plans, Quebec Québec Blue Cross, was the very first insurer to provide the Québec population with a hospitalization insurance program. Since then, our focus has been the well-being of our clients and providing insurance programs and services that meet the timely demands of contemporary society.
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
The mission of the MSSS is to maintain, improve and restore the health and welfare of Québec residents by making available to them an entire range of integrated, high-quality health and social services, and thus contribute to the social and economic development of Québec.
Centre for AIDS Services - Women to provide support, education and referrals for women living with HIV/AIDS, their families, and for women who believe themselves to be at risk. To provide outreach services, education and prevention on HIV/AIDS and STDs based on the needs of women. We offer these services to empower women to determine the quality of their own lives.
Centre Hospitalier de St.Mary St. Mary's Hospital Center is a university affiliated, community hospital which serves a multicultural population. We seek to provide the highest level of patient and family focused care.
Constance Lethbridge Rehabilitation Centre The Constance-Lethbridge Rehabilitation Centre (CLRC) provides specialized and personalized rehabilitation services within an interdisciplinary approach to enable adults with a motor disability (neurological or musculoskeletal) and/or speech and language disorders, to improve their quality of life.
Find a Dentist ! Oral health care is a personalized service that requires a good relationship between the dentist and the patient. Here are some ways to find a dentist in your area.
Find a Doctor ! Health care is a personalized service that requires a good relationship between the doctor and the patient. Here are some ways to find a doctor in your area.
Héma-Québec The corporation has no direct dependence on the government and is fully integrated into the province's health-care network. The corporation has its own board of directors. As a blood supplier, it is responsible for recruiting donors, organizing blood donor drives as well as providing hospitals with safe, top-quality blood and blood products.
Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal L'Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal est l'un des six (6) centres hospitaliers universitaires majeurs affiliés à l'Université de Montréal; il figure parmi les plus grands hôpitaux du Québec.
l'Hôpital Sainte-Justine L'Hôpital Sainte-Justine, c'est également plus de 450 lits et 55 berceaux, près de 4 000 naissances et plus de 18 000 patients hospitalisés par année, une cinquantaine de cliniques externes qui accueillent annuellement plus de 260 000 patients ainsi que 80 000 consultations à l'urgence.
Les Cliniques Dr. Prescott You dream of reshaping your silhouette, refreshing your face, of having more hair, or of getting rid of all this cumbersome body hair once and for all.
Montreal General Hospital The Montreal General Hospital is an acute care institution which has been designated as one of the two Level 1 Trauma Centres on the Island of Montreal.
Montréal Heart Institute The MHI is a highly specialized cardiology centre. Nearly 8,000 patients are hospitalized there every year, a quarter of them for short durations. Outpatient services have increased considerably in the last few years.
Montreal Neurological Institute The Montreal Neurological Hospital seeks to advance our understanding of the nervous system and to alleviate human suffering by preventing, treating and curing neurological diseases. We rely on the interaction among our patients, their families and our dedicated staff and scientists.
Sir Mortimer B. Davis - Jewish General Hospital To provide the highest quality patient care in a humane and caring manner. The hospital will provide general and specialized care, with an emphasis on specialized and ultra-specialized care.
Do you or someone you know have a disability ? Here is a collection of links to helpful and informative web sites.
Health Associations in Canada
Extensive list of Health Related Associations.
Health Canada
Canada Health Act is to ensure that all eligible residents of Canada have reasonable access to medically necessary insured services on a prepaid basis, without direct charges at the point of service.
Health Care in Canada
Health Care is availabe to all Canadians as established by the Federal Government's Canada Health Act. Health Care Insurance plans have basic similarities across the country including coverage of medically necessary hospital services and the services of a physician, however, any further coverage varies from province to province based on additional provincial funding.